Interested in Undertaking a Sociology Honors Thesis?

The Sociology Honors Thesis Program welcomes ambitious and dedicated students who are interested in undertaking independent research, under the supervision of a faculty mentor.

About the Sociology Honors Thesis Program

To be eligible for Latin Honors, the student must have maintained a 3.65 GPA through their sixth semester and must be approved by the Academic Coordinator or Director of Undergraduate studies. Latin Honors indicates that you have earned top grades and will complete a substantial research project. Students interested in the opportunity to conduct research on a topic of their choosing, and whose grades satisfy the criteria for Latin honors established by the College of Arts & Sciences may elect to undertake a Sociology Honors Thesis. Completion of an Honors Thesis is the only path to Latin honors for Sociology majors.  Students who participate in the Honors Thesis Program must complete a two-semester sequence of coursework (6 credit hours total) to successfully fulfill the departmental Capstone and Latin Honors requirements.

Thesis projects can vary in scope, but typically involve original sociological research presented in the format and length of a conventional academic article – i.e. 30-40 pages of text, references, and figures. We strongly recommend that students considering a thesis speak with their department advisor and/or other Sociology faculty members about their ideas as early as possible - no later than the Spring term of their Junior year - so that they are ready to complete their Sociology Honors Thesis Program application and begin the Honors Program sequence in the Fall of their Senior year. 

Application and Course Enrollments


Students who wish to write an Honors Thesis should first complete the Sociology Honors Thesis Program application.  As thesis cohorts are admitted annually, students should apply for the Program in the Spring prior to their senior year.  Students will be notified of their acceptance into the Program in the early- to mid-Summer.  Once your application is approved, you may register for SOC 4901: Sociology Honors Thesis (3 credits) in the Fall semester of their senior year.  In the Fall, students will participate in a seminar style course, working to develop their thesis projects, secure needed institutional research approval, solidify their faculty mentoring team, and to construct the basis of their thesis through a project proposal. In the Spring, students will register again for SOC 4901 (3 credits), this time completing their coursework as an independent study supervised by their faculty mentoring team.

student testimonial

The Sociology department feels like a home for me on campus. There are so many different activities that might be going on when I visit the department; maybe there is a renowned author speaking, or a collaborative planning meeting between professors and students, or it is late-night study hours with dozens of SOC students spread across the carpet, studying together and snacking! I am proud learn in a department that is very conscientious of its impact on campus, on students, in St. Louis, and within the research community.

―Mariel EhrlichClass of 2019