Faculty Feature: Prof. Jake Rosenfeld

Prof. Jake Rosenfeld, Professor of Sociology, discusses his recurrent role as a content expert on labor market inequality and unions for news sources around the world.

Sociology Department Chair and Professor Jake Rosenfeld has been quoted by a variety of news outlets recently including the New York Times, ABC News, LA Times, and Sacramento Bee because of his expertise on labor issues. On October 7th, 2024, he had a radio interview with Jason Rosenbaum of St. Louis NPR to discuss labor unions in relation to the upcoming election.      

Rosenfeld, who is also a resident fellow at the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy, explained that his books, What Labor Unions No Longer Do and You’re Paid What You’re Worth, established him as a source for journalists.

“It all stems back from my first book, What Labor Unions No Longer Do, [which] kind of put me on the radar for reporters out there covering issues related to labor unions,” Rosenfeld said. “One of the reporters [from the Times] who's covering the ongoing issues at Boeing reached out, and we've talked a couple of times about what's happening there.”

Rosenfeld’s research primarily focuses on labor market inequality and workplace dynamics in the U.S. and other advanced economies. He explained that he has observed that labor issues tend to crop up every fall, such as the ongoing Boeing strike that began September 13th  of this year. 

“There seems to be a cyclical nature to these labor issues, so it does feel like early every fall, there'll be strikes, labor disputes,” he said, which helps to explain the strike staged last month by Boeing employees.   

Professor Rosenfeld expressed that he feels extremely grateful to have been interviewed and quoted by all of these outlets.   

“Every time feels like a small miracle and I don't take any of it for granted,” he said. “I feel incredibly privileged that anyone associated with a national news service of any kind would want to hear from me about anything. I realize just how lucky I am to be in this position.”


Click on the links below to learn more about Professor Rosenfeld’s work: