Inequality By Design: Understanding Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities


This course critically examines health status and health care disparities among racial/ethnic minority groups in the United States. The course will utilize sociological, demographic, epidemiological, and psychological concepts to introduce students to racial/ethnic health disparities research. Students will be exposed to the descriptive demography and epidemiology of health indicators across population groups, as well as to the theories used to understand and explain racial/ethnic health disparities. In particular, the course will examine the ways in which multiple forms of interpersonal and institutional discrimination, neighborhood and community factors, and inequalities in socioeconomic status influence health behaviors, access to health care services, and health status outcomes across racial/ethnic groups. Concepts such as acculturation, patient preferences, provider congruence and cultural competence will also be explored in this course. Finally, students will be challenged to use the theories and frameworks introduced in this course to develop and present policy approaches to address racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care in the United States. No prerequisite.
Course Attributes: EN S; BU BA; AS SSC; AS SD I; FA SSC; AR SSC; CFH MHA; AS SC

Section 01

Inequality By Design: Understanding Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities
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