Labor, Regulation, and the Changing Economy

Labor, Regulation, and the Changing Economy

Join us for a conversation on labor and regulatory policy, from a politically diverse panel of experts. This dynamic discussion will highlight workforce trends, tariffs, immigration, and the potential shifts ahead. Expect thoughtful insights, informed debate, and a range of perspectives on one of the most pressing issues shaping our economy: Labor.

3:00-4:00 pm, Discussion and Q&A 

4:00-5:00 pm, Reception 

Expert Panelists: 


Rick Barrett, Business News Reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and USA TODAY Network-Wisconsin, and Pulitzer Center Grantee. Rick has written extensively on reshoring, manufacturing, and trade.  

Click here to read Barrett's series on how manufacturing is returning to the U.S. 

Jake Rosenfeld, Weidenbaum Center Resident Fellow and Department Chair of Sociology. Jake is the author of You're Paid What You're Worth and Other Myths of the Modern Economy (2021) and What Unions No Longer Do (2014). 

Jonathan Wolfson, (WashU, AB, 2005); Chief Legal Officer & Policy Director at the Cicero Institute. He previously led the policy office at the U.S. Department of Labor under the Trump Administration and served as a Policy Analyst at the White House Council of Economic Advisers in the Bush Administration. 


Pauline Kim, Daniel Noyes Kirby Professor of Law, WashU Law. Pauline is the co-author of one of the leading textbookson employment law, WorkLaw: Cases and Materials, and has published dozens of articles and book chapters on issues affecting workers such as privacy, discrimination, and job security. 


This event is co-sponsored with the WashU Law Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Series, and presented as part of the Campus Consortium partnership between the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and the Weidenbaum Center.