Lecture: Adia Harvey Wingfield, Georgia State University
Adia Harvey Wingfield is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. Her primary research interests lie in the area of social stratification, with a particular focus on intersections of race, class, and gender in professional and nonprofessional occupations. She is a prolific author whose recent books include No More Invisible Man: Race and Gender in Men’s Work (2013); Yes We Can? White Racial Framing and the 2008 Presidential Campaign (2009, 2nd edition, 2012); and Doing Business with Beauty: Black Women, Hair Salons, and the Racial Enclave Economy (2008). Her numerous articles in scholarly journals include “Racializing the Glass Escalator: Reconsidering Men’s Experiences with Women’s Work.” in Gender & Society which won the distinguished article award for 2009-2010 from the Race, Gender, and Class section of the American Sociological Association. Harvey Wingfield teaches classes on race, gender, social theory, and work, that encourage students to wrestle with the ways that intersections of race, gender, and class are institutionalized in various social spheres like media, the workplace, schools, and in public spaces. She received a Ph.D. in sociology from Johns Hopkins University in 2004.